Our Solutions

Supply Chain Risk Management

Inability to drive value and enhance the resiliency of your supply chain can impede your organization’s productivity. Adebayo Adeleke LLC provides high-level advisory services in commercial and government supply chains.

We have proven experience in helping organizations develop and implement strategies that enhance the efficiency of their supply chain.

  • Supply Chain Visibility and Reliability
  • Supply Chain Security 
  • Supply Chain Risk Mapping 
  • Supply Chain Resiliency 
  • Geopolitics and Governmental Policies on Global Trade and Supply Chain Framework
  • Procurement

How We Can Help You

  • Supply Chain Risk Management Advisory and Consulting
  • Supply Chain Risk Management Training and Professional Development
  • End-To-End Supply Chain Management


You can trust us to build your organization’s leadership framework.

Our Edge

  • 150 years of combined leadership experience.
  • Expertise with leading soldiers in the most austere parts of the world.
  • The LEAD concept framework

How We Can Help You

  • Leadership consulting
  • Leadership training

Contracting Services

Let our certified team of government contract experts win US Federal Government contracts for you.

Our Model (RAM)

How We Can Help You

  • Contract Acquisition Services
  • Pre-Award and Post Award Services
  • Contract Management
  • Advisory and consulting on contract acquisition services
  • Federal Government Contracting training

Supply Chain Innovation

Ideation + Technology = Results

Through research, we unearth innovative solutions, leading to the creation of better supply chain frameworks for the satisfaction of our clients.

Adebayo Adeleke LLC provides a customized solution (backed with research.) We also provide cutting-edge innovative technology to neutralize plaguing supply chain challenges. 

We use different technological ecosystems to provide value to our global clientele.